Sugimat signs a cooperation agreement with the German ERK to provide German technology to its customers

This license will allow Sugimat to have the German company’s know-how in order to manufacture steam, salt and thermal oil boilers.

Alliances with the best suppliers to offer first class service to its customers, this is the goal of Sugimat, the leader in thermal energy generation in Spain. For that reason, the Valencian Company has recently signed a cooperation agreement with ERK Eckrohrkessel GmbH (ERK), the German giant in the field of boiler engineering and technology (corner tube boiler). From now on, this German technology will be at the service of Sugimat project R & D department and its team of experienced engineers to manufacture, specifically, steam, salts and thermal oil boilers with non-conventional fuels. “We want to stay at the forefront of technological innovations and I firmly believe this agreement is crucial to offer our customers 100% German quality assurance,” Alejandro Mas, CEO at Sugimat, has said.

Currently, ERK has 37 licensees in 26 different countries. In Spain, Sugimat is the only company with an ERK license “ERK has entrusted us to use its brand, its know-how of more than seven decades in this sector, and also its international prestige to manufacture, from now on, our boilers,” Mas has added. An opinion also shared by Dr. Jürgen Peterseim, Director of Strategy & New Products at ERK: “Quality and expertise are of highest importance to ERK and Sugimat fulfilled these criteria perfectly. Additionally, in the negotiations both management teams got to know each other well and developed a good chemistry and working relationship. Having the right people in a company is key to cooperate successfully”.

Based in Berlin, Germany, ERK has a worldwide network of licensees and representatives in Thailand and Indonesia. The rapid implementation of its innovations is possible thanks to an extensive network of local contacts and its references in the five continents. According to Peterseim, “ERK was interested for some time to find a high-quality partner in Spain. Spain is a growth market for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects and ERK wanted to share its knowledge with a reliable partner”.

ERK customers range is from small boiler manufacturers to turnkey power plant suppliers. These are important references that will help Sugimat, without any doubt, to enter other international markets thanks to the personalized service and the high-quality products that we provide.


More information: 

Lorena García Trinidad

Press Oficcer at Sugimat, S.L.


Phone: +34 961 597 230

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