The case study was presented at the conference of Agro-food Cooperatives framed in the European SCOoPE project.
As an example of a technological solution to the process of straw pellets combustion, Sugimat presented Quesos Cerrato case of success at the conference « Investments in Renewable Energy in Agro-food Cooperatives », organized on 14th February by Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España in Madrid.
During the event, Francisco Ripoll, Export Manager at Sugimat, together with Grupo Alimentario AGROPAL, exhibited Quesos Cerrato case of success. They explained the joint solutions adopted to solve their problem with excess dry straw in one of their boilers. In this regard, Alejandro Velasco, Area Manager at AGROPAL, explained how, as a result of this problem, they developed the opportunity to reduce energy costs by replacing the natural gas boiler with a biomass boiler. « In Sugimat we develop tailor-made solutions for each client and, on this occasion, after analyzing the issue of pellets and ash combustion, our R&D department has designed the perfect boiler for AGROPAL, » Ripoll said.
The session brought together speakers from different entities and counted with the participation of more than a hundred attendees. In the course of the conference, other interesting renewable energies for the agro-food industry, like Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal and Geothermal energies were also presented. In addition, the current situation of renewable energies in the cooperative context was discussed, with special emphasis on the role of biomass in agricultural production processes and on the business opportunities it offers to cooperatives.
The event is framed in the European project SCOoPE (Saving Cooperative Energy) and is aimed to capture the attention of the Spanish agrarian cooperatives to appreciate positively the implantation of this type of energies in their industrial processes. It took place in the School of Agronomic, Food and Biosystems Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
The conferences concluded analyzing the type of financing available for companies in the agricultural sector for the development of projects with renewable energies.
More information:
Miriam Marco
Press Department
Phone: +34 961.597.230