The consolidated Spanish company SUGIMAT, with more than 37 years in the market, is positioning itself as a world leader in the supply an implementation of auxiliary heating systems for thermosolar plants around the world with references such as Abengoa, Sener, Acciona, and TSK, amongst others.
One of more recent thermosolar energy projects developed by SUGIMAT has been the plant Noor I in the city of Ouarzazate (Morocco) where they installed two thermal oil boilers (HTF) with a output temperature of 393ºC with a total power of 72MW.
The boilers have been installed in a thermosolar plant with a nominal capacity of 160MW using parabolic solar technology with three hours of storage.
The equipment, designed and made according to the requirements of each client, facilitates the provision of the deficit of thermal input in energy generating processes in thermosolar plants. In this way, the auxiliary boilers by SUGIMAT solve one of the main problems of this sector for renewable energy: the lack of energy during stops and starts of the plants and during the low solar irradiation periods.
These auxiliary boilers have been built to cover up to one third of the thermal requirements of the plant in Morocco. They are designed to work with diesel fuel and provision thermal exchanges of up to 100ºC, with a performance greater than 90% thanks to the innovation of the combustion air pre-heating units.
Due to the innovation and the commitment to the quality of their work, SUGIMAT have been awarded numerous international projects in countries such as South Africa and Mexico and currently have 60% of the market quota in cylindrical-parabolic mirror plants in Spain.
Optimising energy
In addition to this type of installation, SUGIMAT is present not only on the African continent but also in other regions of the world with diverse industrial boiler installations with applications focused on generating energy using fossil fuels, biomass, and other unconventional fuel sources.
With more than 3,000 products, SUGIMAT has thermal oil, hot and superheated water boilers, steam, producers hot gas generators, process furnaces, exchangers, etc. of up to more than 50MW. Within their product line, there are also ORC co-generation installations running on biomass.
Thanks to their laboratory, the company develops new combustion technology and perform tests for each client, enabling them to not only work with fossil fuels but with biomass and other unconventional fuel sources.
This equipment enables you to burn unconventional material containing up to 50% ash and up to 70% humidity, with manure, carbon with high sulphur content, cow and pig dung, animal flour, sewage sludge, hen droppings, etc.
In this way, this equipment facilitates the energetic valuation of the residues and thermal high-performance, resulting in significant economic savings.