Dos calderas Sugimat

Thermal oil versus steam boilers: Energy efficiency opportunities

In this article, we want to explain to you the advantages of thermal oil boilers against steam boilers.

Steam boilers are usually installed in order to generate thermal energy for the main part of the processes requiring it. However, in some production processes where a rise in the thermal oil temperature implies an increase in production, thermal oil entails a series of advantages which makes its use very interesting. This is the case, for instance, of primary and secondary wood transformation industries, wood industry or chemical industry.

Some of the advantages:

  • Connection pipes and equipment do not suffer from wear nor incrustations
  • Circuits are closed, so there is no need of purges, condensates nor thermal fluid treatment
  • Freeze point of oil is -40º, which enables the installation of a boiler in cold areas
  • It is possible to operate at high temperatures without a high pressure, preventing the risk of explosion
  • Less restrictive legal permits
  • Less complex civil works
  • Low maintenance and less demanding heater operation
  • Highly accurate temperature regulation and more flexibility regarding working temperature

Thermal oil installations mean a substantial improvement since the operation is simplified, safety is increased and maintenance is reduced. In other words, costs are optimized when using thermal oil to generate thermal energy for industrial processes. A technology, which Sugimat has been implementing since 1978.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question. We are at your disposal!

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