Sugimat wants to promote the the district heating for the municipalities of the Valencia Community

This Valencian company will hold a conference at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), where it will present its participation in the European Bricker project to improve energy efficiency in public buildings.

Sugimat, the leading company in the generation of thermal energy in Spain, wants to contribute to improving the efficiency of cities. And more at a time when energy efficiency and the integration of renewable energy in buildings and municipal facilities are the order of the day.

Sugimat bets on the « district heating » for the town halls. A centralized heating network to supply sanitary hot water and heating to different buildings from a central plant. The heat produced in this one would be given to the users for its consumption through a network of pre-insulated and buried pipes. The centralized heating systems vary both in the energy sources used and in size and can cover from a small number of buildings to large cities. The Valencian company, based in Quart de Poblet, could participate in the commissioning of the district heating in the hands of an engineering (UTE) providing the design, manufacture and installation « turnkey » of hot water boilers or overheated with biomass as a fuel type. The objective would be to produce energy with an ecological system since natural or residual organic materials would be used.

With this great contribution to the environment, the city councils would also find another set of advantages that could set the standard for their citizens, such as:

  • Economic advantages: if you create a district heating it will be a single team, instead of different boilers and you will save money on maintenance issues. In addition, one installation instead of several means less space, less light consumption, etc.
  • Fire prevention
  • The creation of employment
  • No dependence on fossil fuels: diesel and gasoline
  • Harnessing the energy resources of clean areas


Conference at the UPV

In its commitment to promoting energy efficiency, Sugimat has been part of the pioneering project that will provide energy to an Haute École Engineering School in the Province of Liège, Belgium, through a heating system that will reduce electricity consumption 86% and gas 75%. The contribution consisted of the design, manufacture, and commissioning of a thermal oil biomass boiler fed with pellets.

Sugimat will soon be at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) giving a lecture to the students, where he will present this installation that is part of the European project BRICKER, whose main objective is the development and demonstration of solutions packages that allow improving the energetic behavior in non-residential public buildings. This project aims to combine various active and passive technologies to achieve energy efficiency. The main innovation proposed is to integrate within its scope a trigeneration system capable of producing electricity, heat and cold simultaneously. A project that has already been launched in Belgium and soon in Spain and Turkey, with the creation of an administrative building located in Cáceres and a hospital in the Turkish city of Aydin, respectively.

The project in Belgium will have a 7-year payback and has had a total budget of 12 million euros. This has been financed with European funds and is made up of 18 partners from Spain, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Poland, and Turkey as an associated country. With this, European public buildings are expected to have up to 50% renewable innovative technologies such as biomass or cogeneration units that offer greater energy efficiency.

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