
Sugimat keeps expanding its steam references at national level. This time with the supply of a water-tube steam boiler to one of the most important companies of the fruit sector in Spain. With 20 tons of steam, the boiler will combust forest biomass to cover part of the energy needed for the production process of...
The fertiliser industry is a very energy-intensive sector. To operate efficiently, it needs reliable and adequate energy sources. One such source is biomass boilers, which offer numerous advantages to the fertiliser industry. What are biomass boilers? Biomass boilers are an efficient and cost-effective way of generating heat and electricity from renewable sources such as wood...
The olive marc extractor company Casa Alta – Sociedade Transformadora De Bagaços, LDA, has trusted in Sugimat’s work and will receive shortly a steam boiler and a hot gas generator furnace for its productive process. Both equipments will be fed with olive cake, a biomass product of the plant itself. The biomass steam boiler will...
Distilleries require a large input of industrial heat for their various processes. Operations such as fermentation or distillation, as well as the drying of some products, require an intensive input of process heat through steam or hot water boilers and sometimes also thermal oil or hot gas generators. Today, most companies in the distillery sector,...
The chemical industry is a large consumer of industrial heat. Through its numerous industrial processes and depending on the working temperature and the type of application, chemical plants often require steam, thermal oil or hot water boilers. Until now, chemical companies have used fuels such as natural gas or diesel for the boilers installed in...
The plant, which consists of two biomass heaters, among other elements, works in hybrid mode with a field of parabolic mirrors, which makes it unique in the world. The two 20.5 MWt heaters manufactured by Sugimat for Termosolar Borges, the world’s first solar thermal-biomass hybrid plant, are already operating at full capacity after successful performance...
The project, led by Dall Energy, also consists of its innovative gasification furnace and an ORC-type turbine   Sugimat has been awarded the thermal oil system for the Heating District of Soro, Denmark. It will design, supply and install a 10.5 MW thermal oil boiler, several economizers and heat exchangers and the interconnecting pipe network....
Hot gas generatos for drying by means of biomass waste combustion are the reliable and economical alternative to Natural Gas. The European Union’s 2030 Climate and Energy Framework envisages, among other objectives, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by up to 40% (compared to 1990). This challenge will not be possible without the decarbonization of...

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